About Maxell
Business Group

Maxell group is engaged in diverse portfolio of businesses and is formed to strategically focus on partnership approach and to play an essential role in partnering to create a vibrant business models in the field of mineral exploration & trading, geological consultancy, renewable energy from solar power, design & engineering consultancy, security consultancy services, project management consultancy, building construction and trading of fertilizers, minerals & metals apart from the existing fire, security and safety solutions. In each of these areas, we are committed to exponential growth.

With a track record and good installation base of our projects spread across Oman since 2010 we are partnering with the global top companies to use their experience, services and technology and are uniquely positioned for these expansions.

Maxell Business Group

Our Joint Ventures

Our new ventures includes the Mineral exploration & trading, Geological consultancy, Renewable energy from solar power, Design & engineering consultancy, Security consultancy services, Project management consultancy, Building construction companies and Trading of fertilizers, minerals & metals.

Fire & Security

Design, Eng & Consultancy

Renewable Energy

Mineral Exploration & Trading

Project Management Consultancy

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Management Team


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